Monday, 5 March 2007

Rothera Party Season

The end of February brought the now traditional Folk Night, which provided everyone with the opportunity to get up and showcase their talents in the sledge store. There were some outstanding acts including 'Blind Date' (GA style), poems, comedy sketches, musical interludes and a masterful rendition of twinkle twinkle little star performed by blowing over bottles filled with water. Cyril (Chef) and Kelvin (Dive Officer) proved to be excellent compares. My contribution was helping to organise the evening and playing my sax with the band, the last appearance of 'Ratchet Death' (actually Rat S**t Death but that's a whole different story), the next appearance will be from 'Nunatak' (which is a the name for the exposed summit of a ridge, mountain, or peak not covered with ice or snow within an ice field or glacier and not a bunch of angry nuns). Our potential performance for Live Earth in July has forced us to change the name.

Early March was a time for lots of people to leave thus providing an excellent excuse for a party. Starting off in the Hangar with a game or two of volleyball followed by a stunning BBQ (where the food had to be eaten rather quickly and the salad was frozen!). The rest of the evening was spent in the boat shed which had been dramatically transformed for a dance party. A sterling effort topped by someone opening the doors around midnight to reveal the sunset over Jenny Island.

The next morning we said our farewells to, among others, Sue Ann (who'd been doing some of her PhD research at Rothera over summer) and Adam (Summer mechanic). It's been a brilliant start to my 2 and a 1/2 years and really sad to see good friends leave.

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