Sunday, 14 October 2007

Stork Bowl

We're very lucky having a local 'ski-slope' (Vals) which we can use for snowboarding & skiing. When the weather and snow is particularly good one of the GAs will usually arrange a trip to Stork Bowl. Situated on Stork Ridge it lies just outside the 'Technical Travel Area' (the area in which we are allowed to travel without a GA). Unlike Vals it is unsuitable for skidoo travel so access to the top of the run is by foot.The 1st Dash (plane) is due to arrive tomorrow bringing BAS personnel and signifiying the start of summer. So we thought a trip up Stork Bowl would be a good way to end the winter, since I had also volunteered for Sunday cook we got up at 6am and headed up the hill.
Because of the risk of crevasses we have to be roped up for the first ascent (after this we're safe enough if we stick to our original tracks). It takes about 10 minutes to walk up and 1 minute to board down but it's certainly worth it, especially as I got to put the 1st lines in through the fresh powder :)

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