Friday, 12 January 2007

Nymayer Channel, Lamaire Channel & Vernadsky

The final part of the journey to Rothera took us through the stunning Numayer and Lamaire Channels. These really were awesome beyond words so I'll just stick in some of my better photos instead!

We had the rare opportunity to go ashore at Vernadsky (the old BAS base 'Faraday' now run by the Ukranians) and get a tour around the base. One rather interesting instrument was the Dobson Spectrophotometer (see photo) which was used in the discovery of the ozone hole over Antarctica and is still in use at Vernadsky today.

We boarded the JCR again, next stop Rothera....

1 comment:

Hellie79 said...

Oh wow!! They are amazing pics *changes computer wallpaper* hx